Sign in with NY Courts
If you have an existing NY Courts account (NYSCEF, eTrack, etc.), please sign in using the form above. Once signed in, you will be able to view secure messages that were sent to the primary e-mail address associated with your NY Courts account.
Need to verify or change the e-mail address on your NY Courts account? Log into the NY Courts Self Service application, and under Manage Account, choose EMail Address.
Don't have a NY Courts account?
Sign in with Microsoft
If you have an existing personal or work account with Microsoft, click the button above to sign in.
Once signed in, you will be able to view secure messages that were sent to the primary e-mail address associated with your Microsoft account.
If you previously created a Microsoft account to view encrypted e-mails from the old eNotify system that used Outlook Message Protection, you can sign in with that account by clicking the button above.
Microsoft Exchange admins: click here to grant consent for users in your organization's ActiveDirectory tenant to sign in to eNotify with their AD accounts.
Need help? Please refer to the eNotify System User Guide .